How much stuff do you have?

As of this moment, we have packed 20 boxes.  20 BOXES!  Sure, they aren’t large boxes but damn, this is insane.  I’m not even counting the suit cases already packed with off-season stuff.


I stool have yet to find a solution to move my cat and I got tomorrow and Friday left to do so.  I Have put an ad on Craigslist.


I have also asked two friends, who have vehicles, and one can’t do it. I’m waiting for the other to let me know.

Right now, I am acoffee shop, writhing for some friends so wet can have done strawberries and champagne. A kind of small going away party. Seems that is how things go this time. Not everyone was able to make it out too our Indian fiod & 노래방(Karaoke) event last weekend.

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