A Dream of Reality

I have had a dream turn reality
Or was reality a dream?
Who am I to date such thoughts?
Those eyes, her eyes…
Goddess Bless should this come true

I am a man torn,
With a love forlorn

Hopeful wishing it may be,
I have felt alone for so long
I learned to be alone
My emotional memory haunts me

Slowly, I can not rush this
My will shall make itself known
Life has its own pace


Live, Love & Laugh

My mind screams out
At words to be said
Questions to be asked
But I’ll have the patience
That I need to see me through

You have given me things
Things that not everybody has
You showed me friendship
You showed me love
Those I’ll NEVER forget

I’ll fight my damnedest
To win your heart
To take you away
From all your pain
And make you live, love
And laugh once again


The Mystery Woman

She comes to me at night
She teaches me what’s right

She says things beyond my years
She says things I’ll hold dear

She fills me with desire
She sets me on fire

She tops off my mind and soul
She makes my life whole

She gives me wings to fly
She helps me try

She is a shadow in the dark
She gives me a spark

She is always there in the end
She is….my friend


These Words

*This particular poem stands out like few others.  I wrote this with a very specific purpose and read it to the person I intended it for over the phone.  Quite an emotional moment for me back then.


These words come straight from my heart
I try as hard as I can
But I know they tear you apart

I never wanted to hurt you or cause you pain
But sitting here watching you
Is like being alone in the rain.

I cannot sit back and see you cry
You are more than a friend
And inside I just die

Your 21st year shall pass in sorrow
I need to tell you this before the morrow

Your friendship is special and it means a lot to me
For you my love is like the sea

It is vast and deep
Something inside I cannot keep

I hope our friendship will not end
But I need to know, will you be my girlfriend?



You are to me

Your smile is brighter
Than the brightest of stars

You filled me with hopes
and dreams

You touched my life in a way
that no one else could have done

No matter what happens
I could never forget you

Anything I do for you
I have been paid
A thousands times over

I thank God for Him putting you
Into my life

Words cannot fully explain
The feelings that I feel
But they are the best things
That have ever happened to me.

Happy Twenty-First


Your Love is ever Eternal

Your Love is ever eternal
burning like a flame
Shining through the night
Hopefully in my name.

I stand here watching you
Walk and pass me by
I lay down at night
Wishing love for you and I.

Your smile ever so bright
You looks ever so grand
I dream of us together
Walking hand in hand.

I know not y our dreams
I know not your heart’s desire
I know only one thing
My heart burns with your fire.